🤑 $405 from 888 Subscribers

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In the last email, we talked about the different types of viewers on YouTube and how not all viewers are created equal.

We discussed Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Red viewers. (if you missed it, you can read it here)

But I hinted in that email about how to “farm” red viewers and that is what we will dive into today.

I used this strategy in a recent video and got these results:

These numbers are pretty crazy, and let me show you why….

22,500 / 888 = 25.

That video got 888 subscribers on 22.5k views, which is equal to 1 new subscriber for every 25 views.

The money it made was crazy as well… but more on that later in this email.

By comparison, other videos on the channel have around an 80:1 view-to-subscriber ratio.

Let me show you why this worked and how to “farm” red viewers… but first, give our sponsors a click! It helps keep this stuff I would normally charge for at no cost.

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I want you to imagine your favorite TV/Streaming show.

Now think in your mind what it is about that show that you like.

Chances are you can sum up the entire show in a sentence or two. For example, I like Family Guy. I don’t watch it often, but when I see it on, I’m probably going to stick around.

But what is the summary of Family Guy? or their “recipe” to keep you watching?

“Animated comedy sitcom about a dysfunctional family with outrageous humor, satirical tone, and fast-paced editing.”

That “recipe” keeps you watching because anything I see the show on, I know about what to expect. I may not know exactly what is going on in the show, but I have a pretty good idea because I’ve seen it before.

That is the key to farming “red” viewers like I mentioned in my email from earlier this week. You turn viewers who are blue and “farm” them to red by giving people what they expect over and over and over again.

I good and concise YouTube channel is a channel that talks about one topic that consistently and delivers it about the same way every single time.

I will have a good example of how this works in my email on Sunday, but just remember this…

If you want consistent views on YouTube to fuel your side hustle… you ABSOLUTELY need to give people what they expect over and over and over again.

The video above ended up earning about ~$0.02 per view (or nearly $0.50 per subscriber, earning me about $405.

BUT, there is an inherent problem with this approach, but again, more on that on Sunday.

Enjoy your weekend!

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
Your Extra Paycheck Mastermind

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