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I want to share a screenshot with you….

This is the channel I was just talking about in the previous email. (you can check it out at yourextrapaycheck.com in case you missed it)

But for the second time in a couple months, I’ve revived a channel from the dead.

There was only one main difference that seems to be working over and over again like this…

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The key to getting these channels that are dead back to life? Patience.

There are two “Chris’” that exist… This is “Pre-Wono Chris” and “Post-Wono Chris“

If you don’t know who Wono_Strategy is… well, just look him up; you won’t regret it.

But in the past, I used to be the YouTuber that would “ride” the thumbnail and title checking and making changes 1 hour into a video being live, 4 hours, 12, 24, then 2 days later, then 4 days later, then 7 days later.

If you haven’t noticed, that is a lot of work AFTER a video has been posted.

But the thing is, that is what all the YouTube Gurus tell you to do. But not Wono.

The strategy I learned from Wono was to allow a video to breathe and see how many “markets” it can beat. Allowing YouTube to show the video to those it thinks would watch it before making ANY changes.

“Pre-Wono Chris” would have changed the thumbnail for a few videos, especially when within 24 hours have a CTR of 1.8%.

But if impressions are still going up, IGNORE CTR.

So that is what I did now “Post-Wono Chris” completely IGNORES CTR and lets the algorithm do its thing.

For full transparency, the title and thumbnail need to be well thought out. I am able to stick with the packaging longer than I used to because I trusted that my research on the thumbnail and title was good.

The video that started out at a 1.8% CTR with 2,000 impressions after 24 hours now has 220k impressions and an 8% CTR.

Crazy, right?

Trust that the YouTube algorithm will find your audience. It will. That is what makes YouTube so much more awesome than SEO used to be.

BTW, did you see that crazy video by Mr.Whostheboss? If you are a former SEO, check it out here

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

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