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just checking

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It’s Wednesday, and I’ve gotten two really big things done.

  1. Made my own coffee

  2. Helped brush my son’s teeth

In between all that insanely hard work, I did start another new YouTube channel that I am testing out.

When starting a channel, I rarely let anyone know because I don’t want to confuse the YouTube gods, but in this case, it’s videos and topics that you would like to see.

“I want to build an email course”

Top creators like Jay Clouse are leveraging the unique benefits of email-based courses to create demand, develop relationships, and convert customers.

Learn from an expert (whose first email course business was acquired) on how to do email courses the right way.

Sign up for Master the Email-Based Course today and see why Dickie Bush said he got “Takeaways within 5 minutes of digging in. Huge value.” 

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What you need to know is this…

I am also curious if you all would like a full-blown case study on the channel and its growth.

What do you think?

(if so, do hit reply and share! I love this stuff and would like to share it!)

Chat soon,
Chris Myles


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