How to make $1,000 with a Service


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Let’s dive into the three main ways to earn online.

  1. Selling advertising (if you have an existing audience)

  2. Selling a product (like my new course, Resume-to-Hired)

  3. Selling a service

To sell advertising, you usually need a lot of traffic or a website or YouTube channel with a lot of views.

Selling a product requires a guide or training, spending time creating the product, and finding someone to host it to serve the audience.

I’ve done each myself, and even though a service can be tough, it works really well!

But I was doing research on a guy named Bryan Harris, who basically said the same thing:

  • you don’t need a website

  • you don’t need an audience

  • you don’t need to create a product

Start-up costs for this are “next to nothing,” and as soon as you find your first client, you’re in business.

Here is how to do it:


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Step 1: Identify the Problem

Don’t reinvent the wheel—find something that people already need. Look for those “epic” how-to articles online that get tons of traffic but don’t necessarily drive action. Think of step-by-step guides that solve specific problems.

For example:

  • E-commerce stores wanting better Google rankings

  • Authors needing help editing their work

  • Restaurants seeking more customers (yup, it doesn’t all have to be online)

Be the person who takes that information and actually solves the problem for them.

You just have to be creative and fill a need.

Step 2: Turn Your Solution Into a Service

Skip the apps, websites, and blog posts. Zero in on the pain point and offer a solution. Bryan suggests using tools like BuzzSumo to find how-to posts related to your niche and then turning those into specialized services.

Take copywriting, for instance. Instead of offering generic copywriting, niche down: Offer “copywriting for sales pages for $1000+ online courses.”

Specificity wins!

And hey, if you’re worried about trading time for dollars, remember that you can scale these services into products later. Think software, books, courses, or even apps—once you truly grasp the value of your offering.

Step 3: Choose ONE Person You Want to Work With

Start targeting your ideal clients by checking out who shared those epic how-to posts on social media, using tools like BuzzSumo. These people have already shown interest and are pre-qualified leads.

Also, reading a book like “$100 Million Leads” will give you a great starting point on finding more people to target.

Step 5: Create a Proposal

Your initial outreach should be all about giving, not asking. Mention something specific you love about their work or how you’ve benefitted from them.

Then, offer a glimpse of what you can do—maybe show a piece of related work or create something specifically for them. If they’re cost-sensitive, focus on pitching the Return on Investment (ROI) they’ll get from your service.

Step 5: Prove You’re Worth It

Early on, you will have to do some work “pro bono” (meaning no pay) just to gain some experience, but you don’t have to do that long.

One, maybe two gigs at the most. You are doing these to get testimonials from them, showing you can do the work.

When I first started consulting with SEO, I was only charging about $20/hour, but nowadays, I charge a couple hundred an hour. It’s all because of the power of people KNOWING you can help them.

So, what do you think?

Want to get the ball rolling and start offering a service that solves real problems for real people?

Hit reply to this message and let me know what service YOU could offer.

Let’s brainstorm together and get you on the fast track!

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

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