❎ I lost $3,000

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I’m having a pretty good week, how about you?

I hope great, but if not, I’ve got a story for you

One time, I was trying to earn a few extra bucks, and I attempted to buy and sell iPhones and made the big mistake of buying from an overseas wholesaler to claim to sell authentic iPhones.

I know it sounds crazy to make such a boneheaded mistake, but this was around the time when iPhones were still very new and, even back then, selling for nearly $1,000 each. This wholesaler was selling them for 300 each.

Well, long story short, I ended up losing $3,000 that I had borrowed from my Dad, and I felt TERRIBLE.

But I wasn’t going to give up, so I did something crazy.


Struggling to make more than $5k/month as a writer?

Stop “freelance writing.”

Here’s the truth about why you aren’t consistently landing high-paying clients:

You’re writing “anything” for “anyone,” not focusing on 1 offer.
You’re wasting hours on freelancer sites, not “creating” your own clients.
You’re doing low-paying work (like blog posts), not delivering outcomes.

Want to escape the freelancer hamster wheel?

Become a Premium Ghostwriter

Get a FREE, 5-step crash course below.

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I buckled down and figured it out.

But it wasn’t easy… It took me years to get over it. In fact, I’m still a little upset with myself about it, and it was over a decade ago.

Why tell you this right here? Right now?

Well, because mistakes happen. And even though I royally messed up, I kept going. I kept trying new business ventures and side hustles until I found one that stuck, and now I have the freedom within my schedule to do my own thing when I want (like play golf, lol)

So, whatever side hustle you try or whatever just keep going until something works, I just thought I’d send over a little encouragement today. Just in case you needed it.

That’s all

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

Chat soon,
Chris Myles
Your Extra Paycheck Mastermind

PS. There is a fairly easy side hustle that I’m doing right now that is free to start. I talk about it in this video right here: https://youtu.be/m5kwzFm6q-Y

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

Hit replay at any time! I love hearing from you!


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