They fired me

One thing that I hated about working was getting fired.

It’s only happened once (technically twice), but ever since then, I’ve been working on something so that I would never have to worry about getting fired again.

I needed a little help to get into a position where firing me was impossible.

The help I received was from a random guy on YouTube. He showed me something that I didn’t really know existed.

The ability to generate my own money free from the confines of a traditional 9-5.

The answer… freelancing and remote work.

You can’t get fired if you are the CEO of your own company.

I got into a business model that allowed me to apply for remote jobs and gigs all the time.

Some I’d make a quick few hundred dollars from, others I got a few grand from because of bigger projects.

The thing was, I never needed benefits because I had my own insurance through my company. Which meant I could get a bigger paycheck and negotiate higher wages since the company didn’t need to pay my benefits.

What resulted was a life where I was able to set my own schedule.

Everything improved because of it: family life, my relationship with my kid, and even the relationship between my wife and our son.

I made the money, they enjoyed each other’s company and became closer because of it.

All because I was fired.

Is it possible that being fired was the best thing to ever happen to me? Possibly.

Regardless, I’d like you to be the next person I help get your freedom back. We all just need a little direction and I’m willing to help you, but only if you want it.

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

PS. Check out the premium membership right here and reply to this email with any questions you may have.

I have an unhealthy obsession with responding to any email I receive, haha… so I promise you will get a response from me, personally! (meaning not an assitant pretending to be me)

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