🗡️ Back from the Dead

Nice YouTube trick

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My YouTube obsession is starting to get bad.

It reminds me of when I was head over heels in love with Blogging and SEO.

Even the Authority Hacker guys are facing the music.

So as a way that I shifted was YouTube. I’ve started about 3 new Youtube channels over the last year and they are doing well. (including one I monetized in less than 25 days, I talk about it more in my community)

But one of the channels that I had that was monetized, I’ve resurrected it, and I want to share with you how I did it.

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Quick story about this channel, at one point 2 years ago, I was posting to this channel and nothing I did would give more than a couple hundred views.

It sucked.

Imagine throwing videos into an abyss for about a year.

Back then, I was dumb and stubborn. The content that I was posting was “OK” but the packaging wasn’t good enough to “beat the market”.

I left the channel for dead.

Once I learned a new way to view YouTube, I returned to the channel and this happened…

Do you see that growth?

One of the biggest things I realized was when to change the packaging on my videos.

When I started doing it differently, videos started taking off consistently.

I’m going to try this on another channel I’ve left for dead and let you know the results.

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

Hit reply at any time! I love hearing from you!


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