A New Hope

I'm done

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It’s May 2017 and my wife and I are driving to the airport to visit my parents. On the way, my wife drops some news that would change my life (and her’s) forever.

We were pregnant.

Yes, pregnant with an actual human.

And just being honest, I’m the only child and my wife constantly reminds me to not think like one because at times, I can be self-centered and a loner.

So how the heck am I supposed to care for a tiny individual?

But that is not it, I had a pretty poor paying job at the time and up to my eye-balls in debt. So what do I do?

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Well, I did what most people do, I went online and searched for ways to earn more to pay for everything.

Don’t get my wrong, I was super excited that I was going to be a Dad, but terrified that I wasn’t going to be a good Dad and good Husband at the same time.

With 2 mouths to feed and my own, I found a lot of garbage online and lost a lot of time and money trying to make something happen.

Right when I was on the verge of giving up, I stumbled I found a new hope (IYKYK).

That new hope was in the form of content creation on YouTube, specifically YouTube and Websites.

I poured HOURS upon HOURS of time and effort into learning how to grow on these platforms and by 2018, I was handing in my resignation to a job I had just gotten a few months before.

Crazy, I know.

But the business was generating good income and I had the time to finally take care of a family and not worry about money too much.

For 6+ years, I maintained this business and it’s been a GREAT experience.

What struggles are you going through?

But importantly, what are yo doing to attempt to FIX it?

Google and YouTube was not my first forays into online business, so failure will come, but hey, it really only needs to work a handful of times and everything changes from there.

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

Hit replay at any time! I love hearing from you!

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