3 'quick win' side husltes

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Today, I’m putting the finishing touches on a new video and started thinking about the first time I started a side hustle.

I was probably 7 years old, going door to door selling candy for a fundraiser.

We were supposed to be selling the candy for $2 (premium chocolate candy was much cheaper back then, lol)

But I sold the candy for as much as $5 and pocketed the difference.

I was a hustler even at 7.

You can debate the ethics of that, but again, I was 7 trying to make a few extra bucks. The only way I was going to get paid was some bogus prize based on how much candy I sold.

I wanted cold, hard cash.

BUT I got something for you related to that…


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The side hustles!


What happens if you buy a mattress and then don’t like it? Especially if you bought it online?

You can’t roll it back up and ship it back, at least not cheaply, but that is where Sharetown comes in.

With Sharetown, you pick up these bulky items and then have an opportunity to sell them on FB or Craigslist. You then give a small fee back to Sharetown, and you can keep the difference.

Some on Reddit are making over $86k per year, which is wild!


Continuing with the buying low and selling high mindset, there is some big potential by just looking into your closet or garage.

Here is what you do…

List an item you don’t use on eBay, FB Marketplace, or Craigslist. Doing this will have two purposes: de-clutter your space, and earn some money.

Trust me, it feels great to receive even ‘some’ money for something that is just collecting dust.


You can’t really go wrong with gig work when you are in a pinch.

Services like Instacart, DoorDash, and even Rover.com can be a good fit.

Rover is particularly interesting as you can hang out with pets when their owners need to work or on vacation.

For some of these services, you could earn up to $65/hr with the correct specialization.

Next Steps

Reply back to this email (I read every response) letting me know what kind of side hustle you’re working on or if you plan to take action on any of these ideas!

And if you don’t like any of these, here are 9 more pretty easy side hustles


or to participate.