💸 $10k/month in 10 Months

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Richard Patey is a serial entrepreneur.

He used to build websites just like me to be bought and sold. But now he’s turned his sights to newsletters.

Smart man.

He did something that was very similar to me: get out of Google’s ecosystem.

Check out what he did.

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Richard used to help big investors acquire and operate revenue-generating content websites, but he ran into a problem. That wasn’t scalable.

And honestly, even though I do consulting and freelancing, it’s not my favorite thing to do. It just pays the bills.

However, once he sold his last website, he started a newsletter on Substack about website investing and at one point within 10 months, had 100 people paying $49/m for a subscription, plus he was making about the same amount from affiliate revenue for the newsletter.

That’s the $10k.

A newsletter and a community.

That is a solid model, and anyone can start. That is why I started the Your Extra Paycheck Mastermind.

It’s only been live for under a month, but I have a handful of people in there already and am looking to help as many as possible.

I have workshops in there talking about growing on YouTube and growing newsletters.

What do you think? Is a newsletter a good side hustle for you?

Chat soon,
Chris Myles

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

Hit replay at any time! I love hearing from you!


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